The Role of the State

The Case for Green Industrial Policy

Industrial policy was once so out of fashion that it was jokingly called “the policy that shall not be named.” Now it’s back in...

Industrial Policy From Engels to Eisenhower

Industrial policy was once so out of fashion that it was jokingly called “the policy that shall not be named.” Now it’s back in...

How To Ensure Industrial Policy Promotes Public Over Private Gain

Industrial policy was once so out of fashion that it was jokingly called “the policy that shall not be named.” Now it’s back in...

More than Economics, Ideology Determines US Voters’ Preferences for Redistribution

The US stands out among developed economies for its comparatively low level of redistribution as a percentage of GDP. Gustavo de Souza examines the...

Industrial Policy Is a Seductive Mirage

Industrial policy was once so out of fashion that it was jokingly called “the policy that shall not be named.” Now it’s back in...

Antitrust Deregulation is Undermining Innovation

A 2000 amendment to the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act made it easier for firms to merge without notifying US antitrust authorities. In new research, Giovanni Morzenti...

A New Framework for Better Industrial Policies

Industrial policy was once so out of fashion that it was jokingly called “the policy that shall not be named.” Now it’s back in...

For the FDA, Fewer Regulations Can Create Safer Products

The US Food and Drug Administration is tasked with protecting consumers from unsafe food and medical products. In new research, Parker Rogers finds that...

The FTC’s Non-Compete Ban Will Force Questions Over the Scope of its Authority

To understand why a proposed rule could spark a Supreme Court battle over the Federal Trade Commission’s powers to regulate the American economy requires...

Survey Highlights Backlash to Increasingly Political Corporate America

A recent poll shows that 71% of Americans view large companies negatively. The change has been driven by Republicans who dislike the rise of...

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