The Role of the State

Toward a Market Power Standard for Merger Review

The Stigler Center’s 2023 Antitrust and Competition conference seeks to answer the question: what lays beyond the consumer welfare standard? In advance of the...

The Reasonable Competitive Conduct Standard for Antitrust

The Stigler Center’s 2023 Antitrust and Competition conference seeks to answer the question: what lays beyond the consumer welfare standard? In advance of the...

Antitrust Needs Better Models for Estimating Social Welfare in the Digital Age

In a forthcoming article, Seth Benzell and Felix Chang explore how antitrust regulators can use insights from a new quantitative model of Facebook that...

Destabilizing Digital “Bank Walks”

Bank regulators have always assumed that bank deposits are ‘sticky,’ but the advent of digital banking is changing that. New research focuses not on...

Electricity Markets Must Liberalize if We Are To Decarbonize Energy

In new research, Matteo Romagnoli argues that for the electricity sector to decarbonize as part of the broader green transition, regulators must liberalize markets...

Data, Context and Competition Policy

Data has a tendency to be misunderstood. It is often compared to a raw material like oil, waste, or capital. Elettra Bietti argues that...

A Directorship at a Federal Reserve Bank is Good News for Banks, but May be Bad News for the Fed

Far before the collapse of SVB, I provided systematic evidence that banks appear to benefit from their directorships on Federal Reserve Banks. The fact...

Biden’s Second-Best Economic Agenda

Efficiency is out and political economy is in. But what does that imply about making good policy? When Barack Obama was asked about carbon pricing...

The Fed and Bank Failures

Viral Acharya and Raghuram Rajan explain how quantitative easing contributed to the problems underlying the recent bank failures such as that of Silicon Valley...

Self-Preferencing Theories Need To Account for Exploitative Abuse

Patrice Bougette, Oliver Budzinski, and Frédéric Marty argue in their research that antitrust authorities on both sides of the Atlantic must take into consideration...

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