The Role of the State

“Consumer Welfare Is Dead”: What Do We Do Instead?—A Perspective from Europe

“Consumer Welfare” has lost its place as the animating value and standard for modern antitrust. The standard is almost universally regarded as bunk and...

Understanding the DOJ’s Decision To Seek a Jury Trial in the Google Ad Tech Case

The Department of Justice recently sued Google for conduct relating to its ad tech services, accusing the search giant of unlawful monopolization. In an...

Gambling for Resurrection: How U.S. Banks Hedged Interest Rate Risk During 2022 Monetary Tightening

Following a widely cited report on unrecognized bank losses due to interest rate rises, Amit Seru and his co-authors have taken a close look...

Economists Are Still Right About Airline Deregulation!

Would increasing regulation of the U.S. airline industry resolve the issues that Americans have heard about and experienced in the past few months? Clifford...

Gauging Common Ownership in Fintech Markets

A new empirical paper estimates the scope and impact of common ownership in fintech markets. The authors find limited common ownership among private fintech...

Resolving the Banking Crisis

Following up their recent analysis of risk in the banking system, DeMarzo, Jiang, Krishnamurthy, Matvos, Piskorski and Seru argue that banks should be required...

“Consumer Welfare” and the Real Battle for the Soul of Antitrust

The Stigler Center’s 2023 Antitrust and Competition conference seeks to answer the question: what lays beyond the consumer welfare standard? In advance of the discussions, ProMarket is publishing a...

The Consumer Welfare Standard is Too Tainted

The Stigler Center’s 2023 Antitrust and Competition conference seeks to answer the question: what lays beyond the consumer welfare standard? In advance of the discussions, ProMarket is publishing a...

Show Your Work: Meaningful Disclosure and Antitrust Enforcement Goals

The Stigler Center’s 2023 Antitrust and Competition conference seeks to answer the question: what lays beyond the consumer welfare standard? In advance of the discussions, ProMarket is publishing a...

It’s OK to Ask for Help: An Antitrust Rooney Rule

The Stigler Center’s 2023 Antitrust and Competition conference seeks to answer the question: what lays beyond the consumer welfare standard? In advance of the discussions, ProMarket is publishing a...

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