Antitrust and Competition

Federal Legislation, Not the NCAA Antitrust Settlements, Should Drive a New Model of College Sports

Diana Moss and Jason Gold write that the major private antitrust lawsuit involving how the National Collegiate Athletic Association governs compensation for college student athletes overreaches by remaking the model of college sports in the United States. Instead, the paradigm shift in college athletics should be deliberated and decided through the legislative process.

Four Strengths of the Government’s Lawsuit Against Live Nation-Ticketmaster: Part II

In part II of a two-part series, Michael A. Carrier analyzes the merits and strengths of the government’s recent lawsuit against Live Nation and its subsidiary, Ticketmaster, for monopolizing the live entertainment market. See here for part I.

The Government Has a Compelling Monopolization Lawsuit Against Live Nation-Ticketmaster: Part I

In part I of a two-part series, Michael A. Carrier outlines the evidence behind the government’s recent lawsuit against Live Nation and its subsidiary, Ticketmaster, for monopolizing the live entertainment market. Part II will come out tomorrow.

Rising Market Power Has Led to the Rise in Far-Right Political Parties

In new research, Tommaso Crescioli & Toon Van Overbeke find that small business owners and their families who have lost revenue share to rising market concentration among big businesses have turned to far-right political parties to express their grievances.

Live Nation’s Anticompetitive Conduct Is a Problem for Security

Roslyn Layton highlights a recent data breach that exposed the personal information of millions of customers, including those who never directly used Ticketmaster's services, underscoring concerns about the company's data collection practices and market dominance.

An Explainer on How Market Concentration Is Measured

Concerns about market concentration and its effects on competition are at the heart of antitrust policy. Will Macheel explains the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) as a common measure of market concentration, its implications for United States antitrust policy, and potential drawbacks of the measure. He closes the article by highlighting research on the HHI as a regulatory tool for screening mergers.

Merger Review Should Incorporate a Role for Unions

Eric A. Posner argues that merger review would benefit from involving union representatives to protect labor interests.

The Legality of the FTC’s Noncompete Ban Is Less Certain Than Masur and Posner Suggest

Gus Hurwitz replies to Jonathan Masur and Eric Posner’s May 8 article defending the Federal Trade Commission’s Congressional mandate to enforce a rule banning noncompetes. He argues that Congressional responses to FTC rulemaking in the 1970s suggest courts are unlikely to find that the FTC possesses such authority, either as a matter of statutory interpretation or under the major questions doctrine.

What Is Bold, Old, and Necessary about the DOJ’s Lawsuit Against Live Nation-Ticketmaster

Drawing on their research, John Kwoka and Tommaso Valletti refute criticisms of the Department of Justice’s lawsuit to break up Live Nation-Ticketmaster that argue such actions irreparably ruin the operations of the constituent firms. The authors highlight the many examples of successful breakups and conclude that only a breakup will now repair the market for live entertainment.

Competition, Not Consolidation, Is the Key to a Resilient and Innovative Europe

Max von Thun writes that Enrico Letta, Mario Draghi, and Emmanuel Macron are right in demanding a new economic vision for the European Union. However, they are wrong to advocate for corporate consolidation as part of the solution. The EU must pursue competition rather than consolidation if it is to create a robust political economy that can take back power from corporate behemoths, deliver growth and jobs to European citizens, and guarantee the future of the European project.

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