Antitrust and Competition

Banning Noncompete Agreements Benefits Low-Wage Workers

Examining the effects of a 2008 ban on noncompete agreements for low-wage workers in Oregon, a recent paper finds that the ban increased average...

The Good News: Fewer Americans Were Exposed to Fake News in 2018. The Bad News: This Probably Won’t Last

As it turns out, a majority of the American public is not bad at identifying disinformation. But as the 2020 election nears, the online...

Uber and the Sherlock Holmes Principle: How Control of Data Can Lead to Biased Academic Research

How can we ensure that academic journals do not become an unintended instrument in the PR efforts of powerful firms? Luigi Zingales offers some...

Aaron Director and the Empirical Foundation for the Chicago Attitude on Antitrust

Empirical evidence, not just disembodied theory, was an important building block of Director’s view that competition could defeat concentration, writes Daniel Kuehn. Editor's note: Aaron...

A Fair Amount of Freedom for Everyone: Aaron Director Did Have Ideals

David Henderson of the Hoover Institution defends the legacy of Aaron Director, the most enigmatic among the founders of the so-called "Chicago School." Director, argues...

The Counterfeit Capitalism of WeWork: Predatory Pricing as a Business Model

The company failed to go public and its founder, Adam Neumann, had to step down. This is good news: ordinary investors refused to put...

“The Digital Robber Barons Kill Innovation”: the Stigler Center's Report Enters the Senate

In a letter submitted to the record by the US Senate Subcommittee on Antitrust currently investigating Big Tech, Luigi Zingales expounds on the Stigler...

Hospital Mergers: The Forgotten Problem of American Health Care

In the US, there are more than 100 hospital mergers every year. This increasing concentration does not lead to the promised savings, nor to...

The Surprising Twist in GOP Economic Thinking: Tax Cuts Might Be Bad for Business

Senator Mitt Romney wrote Donald Trump a letter to stop his plan to reduce capital gain taxes. This is an important signal that a...

If One Monopoly Is Good for the Firm, Are Two Always Better? Aaron Director and the Tie-in Problem

When IBM patented a punch card processing machine, it had the power to influence both the market of machines and punch cards, but this is...

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