Antitrust and Competition

How Wall Street Is Devastating Our National Security

Even the Pentagon now realizes that Wall Street’s insatiable appetite for easy profits and love of monopoly has become a clear and present danger...

Digital Platforms May Be Monopolistic Providers, But They Are Not Infrastructure

Social media platforms are not infrastructure nor natural monopolies, and they should be regulated only if they have monopolistic power and abuse it. Free...

The Digital Markets Act Represents a Change in Europe’s Approach to Digital Gatekeepers

The Digital Markets Act is not a competition tool as such. Rather, it is a market regulation whose main objective is to guarantee equal...

Pentagon Report Points to Two Major Risks to National Security: Consolidation and Shareholder Capitalism

A Pentagon report released earlier this month warns that concentrated supply chains, offshoring, and a "business climate that has favored short-term shareholder earnings” have...

There Are Lots of Competition Problems on the Internet. Parler’s Takedown Is Not One of Them.

Parler’s antitrust case against Amazon is doomed, and there is no basis for Congress to impose any special duties on Amazon to deal with...

“An Offer We Can’t Refuse”: How We Gave Away Our Data and Made Big Tech What It Is Today

WhatsApp’s new terms of service should come as no surprise. For years, Big Tech has been offering its users these “take it or leave...

Paul Romer: “If You Think Moderation is Censorship, You’ve Got a Competition Problem”

During a Stigler Center keynote webinar, Nobel laureate Paul Romer discussed concentration problems in the US and possible solutions, including a “pigouvian” tax, flexible...

Digital Markets Act: Policy Choices and Conditions for Success

Last month, the European Commission introduced an ambitious new set of rules for digital platforms, the Digital Markets Act. Here is what it says,...

The Silent Coup

President Donald Trump's seditious actions are exposing the political power that Twitter, Amazon, Google, Apple, and Facebook enjoy. Banning him from their platforms sets...

How Will the Digital Markets Act Regulate Big Tech?

While the recently introduced Digital Markets Act rules might change prior to final approval, there is a lot to consider already. What are these...

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