Narratives that alter beliefs and change norms or guiding principles may indeed have real and lasting effects.
In the 2017 American Economic Association Presidential Address,...
Is investigative journalism a private or public good? A new Stigler Center case study focuses on the success of French online news website Mediapart...
PwC suffered an enormous blow to its reputation following the Oscars because the ceremony is highly visible and the failure was simple to understand. But the accounting giant has experienced many blunders in the last...
Narratives are vectors of ideas. Nobel laureate Robert Shiller suggests that in the age of social information networks, economists need to rethink how and...
This 10-week program, which will take place in Chicago Booth’s Hyde Park Campus, will offer a transformative learning experience for up-and-coming journalists seeking to...
The first edition of our monthly roundup that includes ProMarket posts from the previous month, as well as interesting stories from our “Weekly Briefing” section.
Many people like to think of media as another market where competition drives innovation, quality, and integrity. But this is not always the case.
The following...
The inaugural piece of a new ProMarket mini-paper series.
In the intellectual debate there is a gap between academic papers and policy opinions, even those...
ProMarket interview: Alan Rusbridger, former editor-in-chief of The Guardian, on media capture.
In 2003, Rebekah Wade (now Brooks), the former editor of the British tabloid...