The Equitable Economy

Wondering How Your Financial Advisors Rank for Misconduct? There’s a Web App for That

A new site created by ProMarket board member Amit Seru (Stanford) and co-authors Mark Egan (Harvard) and Gregor Matvos (UT Austin) offers free data and...

The Secret Driver of US Health Care Costs: Politicians Wanting to Get Reelected

A pioneering new study provides a first-of-its-kind look into the outsized effect that lobbying and political maneuverings have on health care spending. Americans spend significantly more...

Who Are the Top 1 Percent in America? The Answer from New Research Might Surprise You

A new paper challenges Thomas Piketty’s portrayal of an income distribution dominated at the top by passive rentiers who do nothing to earn their money,...

UN Study Warns: Growing Economic Concentration Leads to “Rentier Capitalism”

A new study by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development argues: The “endemic rent-seeking that stems from market concentration, heightened corporate power,...

Richard Thaler and the Science of People

Richard Thaler's thought process and perspective on human behavior have influenced how we view economic phenomena and how they affect and are effected by people.     Earlier...

Does Environmental Crime Pay?

A new Stigler Center working paper conducts a cost-benefit analysis of DuPont's emissions of a toxic chemical dubbed C8. The Trump administration has shown clear signs that it...

To What Extent Do Political Considerations Affect Finance?

In June, the Stigler Center brought together top academics for a conference on the impact of politics on finance. Ahead of our second annual...

Turning Corporations into Democracies

The problem with encouraging firms to maximize shareholder welfare is how to prevent managers and special interests from diverting corporate resources in the name of shareholder...

Let Data Guide Legislation: Stifling Shareholders in the CHOICE Act?

In improving the current shareholder proposal process, legislators should trade the butcher knife for the scalpel.   What influence, if any, should shareholders have over...

A Small Step for Theory, a Leap Forward in Corporate Governance

Moving from shareholder value maximization to shareholder welfare maximization may be a small step in theory, but it could trigger a leap forward in...

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