The Equitable Economy

Investing in Quality Early Childcare Is Good for Vulnerable Kids—and Good Economics, Too

Early childcare can be a major contributor to eliminating inequality of opportunity and even lay the foundations for a more productive workforce in the...

The Motives of “Joiners” Explain Higher Rates of Innovation in Startup Firms

It’s not just the founders of startups who boast an entrepreneurial spirit and a willingness to take risks. Those who join new ventures show...

The Culture of Overconfidence: Why Leaders Stick to Pet Projects That Aren’t Working

What are the rational incentives for executives or politicians to push ahead with failing or inefficient initiatives? For answers, authors Bhaskar and Thomas look...

Do We Need to Mandate Firms’ Reporting And Auditing?

Back in the 1960s, George Stigler called into question whether states should require firms to publicly report their financials. A recent Stigler Center working...

Are Innovators Born or Made?

The question of whether people are born with innovative talent or can develop it has knock-on effects to issues ranging from productivity growth in...

Top5itis: The Disease that Affects Economics

Top5itis is a disease that currently affects the economics discipline. It refers to the obsession of the profession of academic economists with the so-called...

10th Year of Chicago Booth/Kellogg School’s Financial Trust Index Shows an Uptick of Public Faith in Markets

A decade after the financial crisis, average faith in market institutions is recovering—especially among high-income individuals and Republicans—while trust in government is on a...

Angus Deaton on the Under-Discussed Driver of Inequality in America: “It’s Easier for Rent-Seekers to Affect Policy Here Than In Much of Europe”

In an interview with ProMarket, Nobel Prize-winning economist Angus Deaton talks about the connection of rent-seeking and monopolization to rising inequality. In December, the United...

Oliver Hart and the Poetry of Economic Theory

At this year's annual ASSA meeting, Stigler Center Director Luigi Zingales delivered a lecture honoring Oliver Hart, winner of the 2016 Nobel Prize for economics. Read...

How Boys Become Entrepreneurs at the Dinner Table

New research from Hans K. Hvide and Paul Oyer has uncovered some interesting facts about men who start businesses: most of them do it in the...

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