The Equitable Economy

How a Marshall Plan Program Boosted the Performance of Italian Firms for Decades

During the 1950s, as part of the Marshall Plan, the US subsidized loans to help European firms purchase technology and sponsored training trips for...

Credit Ratings: What Are They Good For?

The financial crisis of 2008–10 revealed that ratings are imperfect and potentially biased measures of credit risk. Analyzing a large number of mutual fund...

How the Market Can Help Break the Glass Ceiling for Women in Management

A new CEPR working paper investigates how product market competition and gender-specific management career hurdles affect the gender wage gap for managers. The findings...

Why Are There So Few Bankers on American Corporate Boards?

Relatively few American companies have bankers on their boards. New research reveals that bankers were commonly represented on corporate boards in the 19th century,...

Any Press is Good Press? Study Finds Federal Investigations of University Responses to Sexual Misconduct Cases May Help Enrollments

Despite concerns among administrators that news coverage of campus sexual assault will harm universities’ reputations and bottom lines, a study finds an increase in applications...

When It Comes to Gender Imbalances, Academia’s Ignorance Is Self-Serving

The Ravina vs. Columbia case illustrates that challenging the status quo can be immensely costly. We economists should collectively think about how we can...

Why Every Good Economist Should Be Feminist

As every good economist knows, markets work best when they are competitive. Therefore, every good economist should also be a feminist, defending a level...

How to Even Out the Pains and Gains from International Trade

The idea of creating transfer schemes to compensate the losers from international trade yet still preserve some of the gains faces a myriad of...

Corporate Auditing Is Broken. Here’s How to Fix It

The ostensive watchdogs of market disclosure have become poster boys for corporate chicanery, argues Karthik Ramanna of Oxford’s Blavatnik School.     Auditors are in the business of...

When Social Policy Saves Lives: Analyzing Trends in Mortality Inequality in the United States and France

Understanding how inequalities in health and inequalities in income are connected is key for policymaking. New research analyzing mortality trends in the United States...

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