The Equitable Economy

Walmart and Gun Control: Should Companies Self-Regulate When the Government Doesn’t Act? A New Capitalisn’t Episode

The biggest retailer in the US decided to end all handgun ammunition sales, and the four largest automakers announced a private deal with California...

The Business Roundtable CEOs’ Statement: Same Old, Same Old

Despite the media hype about corporate CEOs having abandoned their shareholder value maximization credo, the recent statement from the Business Roundtable contains nothing new...

Thomas Piketty's New Book Brings Political Economy Back to Its Sources

In the same way that Capital in the Twenty-First Century transformed the way economists look at inequality, Piketty's new book Capital and Ideology will...

The Employment Effects of a Gender-Specific Minimum Wage

The first minimum-wage laws in the history of the United States were predominantly gender-specific in that they were imposing a lower bound only on...

The Future of Capitalism and the Utopia That Never Was

In his review of Paul Collier’s recent book The Future of Capitalism, Branko Milanovic discusses ideology, social democracy, and the "ethical world."     Paul Collier’s...

Global Declining Competition

Studies of the evolution of market power since 2000 have focused mostly on publicly traded US firms. This column introduces a new global study...

Towards the Giant Three: The Rise and Rise of the Big Three Index Funds

The Big Three index fund managers—BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street Global Advisors—hold a significant proportion of the stock of US public companies, and they...

How Offshoring by Multinational Corporations Contributed to the Decline of US Manufacturing

The offshoring activities of multinational firms explain about one-third of the aggregate decline in US manufacturing employment, according to a new study.  Between 1990 and...

Angus Deaton: Today’s Inequalities Are Signs That Democratic Capitalism Is Under Threat

At the launch of the IFS Deaton Review, a 5-year review of rising inequalities in the UK, Sir Angus Deaton decried extreme inequality and the...

Dear Graduates, Here’s What You Can Do to Change Capitalism For the Better

Delivering UChicago’s 532nd Convocation address, Luigi Zingales advised young graduates to embrace their power as consumers, workers, and citizens and fight corporate monopolies. Dear...

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