ESG, Corporate Governance & Future of the Firm

How Rich are the Parents of Your Money Manager, and What Does it Tell You About his Alpha?

In the last few decades, numerous studies in financial literature have been devoted to the question of “alpha”—that is, the ability of money managers...

Why Firms’ Shareholders Condone Seemingly “Excessive” Executive Pay Packages, and What it Means For the Economy

If the large mutual funds are out to improve governance, why do they condone, if not encourage, seemingly excessive and performance-insensitive compensation packages? A new...

Keynesian Winner-Lose-All Economics

When calm, reasoned arguments, logical deductions, evidence and the like are not able to block Keynesian utility traps, ridicule might do the job. Professional sports, like...

The Surprising Failure Of Food Labeling

If lawmakers want to improve the dietary choices of Americans, the first thing they need to recognize is that the problem is not information. (Note:...

Who Killed Corporate Reputation?

Regulation and reputation are not independent of each other. Regulation can substitute, crowd out, or even implement the power of reputational concerns. A better understanding...

Uncompromisingly Rajan

Most people in power choose nominees without any outside option, because such people are willing to do anything to be reappointed. Raghuram Rajan is...

ProMarket Interview: Alan Blinder on Over-Regulating Financial Markets

In order to get optimal regulation in the financial world, says Alan Blinder, the former Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve, one should seek...

Raghuram Rajan Unexpectedly Leaves RBI

In an unexpected move that will likely reverberate throughout India’s political system and financial sector, Rajan announced he will not seek a second term...

“If Uber Was a Government Program, There Would be Parades Thrown”: David Plouffe on Uber, Regulation, and Disruption

Uber’s chief advisor in a conversation with Chicago Booth professor Guy Rolnik: “We’re called a disruptive company—I think it’s more accurate to call us...

RBI Governor Rajan’s Fight Against Crony Capitalism

The Governor of India’s Central Bank, Raghuram Rajan, is attacked for fighting the inefficiency of the banking system.  In any country in the world, a...

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