ESG, Corporate Governance & Future of the Firm

The Business Roundtable CEOs’ Statement: Same Old, Same Old

Despite the media hype about corporate CEOs having abandoned their shareholder value maximization credo, the recent statement from the Business Roundtable contains nothing new...

Towards the Giant Three: The Rise and Rise of the Big Three Index Funds

The Big Three index fund managers—BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street Global Advisors—hold a significant proportion of the stock of US public companies, and they...

Dear Graduates, Here’s What You Can Do to Change Capitalism For the Better

Delivering UChicago’s 532nd Convocation address, Luigi Zingales advised young graduates to embrace their power as consumers, workers, and citizens and fight corporate monopolies. Dear...

Chicago Booth/Kellogg School Financial Trust Index Shows Americans’ Trust in Financial Institutions Increasing After Rocky Decade

Financial trust increased from 22 percent in 2008 to 28 percent at the end of 2018, according to a survey marking the 10-year anniversary...

New Empirical Studies Show: When It Comes to Productivity, Management Matters

Research has shown that studying the causes and implications of management across organizations can be of much benefit to economics. It is well documented((This piece...

Making Your Vote Count: Does the Voting Behavior of Asset Managers Truly Reflect Their Clients’ Interests?

In the past five years, thanks to growing public pressure, there has been increased attention on the voting behavior of asset managers. As a...

“Short Sellers Don't Exist to Fix the Problems. They Exist to Shed Light on the Problems”

In an interview with ProMarket, Fahmi Quadir, the short seller whose bet against Valeant in 2015 helped expose the company's misdeeds, talks about short...

Is Market Price Relevant for Minority Shareholder Appraisal Actions?

Vice Chancellor Travis Laster of Delaware Chancery Court has recently cautioned that while courts have given greater deference to market price in appraising fair...

Does Learning More at University Actually Pay Off in the Job Market?

Does a degree really add to students’ skills or simply point employers toward students who were clever enough to get accepted?      Education is one of...

Does Uber Kill? The Real Cost of Ride-sharing

A new Stigler Center working paper finds that ride-sharing actually increases the number of new car registrations and fatal accidents. Two years ago, the Stigler...

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