The Digital Economy

Google’s and Facebook’s Grip on Digital Advertising Markets

Since July 2019, the UK's Competition and Markets Authority has been conducting an extensive investigation of the digital advertising market. In its preliminary report on...

How to Regulate Digital Platforms: A Database

Over the past couple of years, many antitrust authorities commissioned expert groups or released working papers addressing different areas of digital policy. For the...

“We Were Naïve,” Says FCC Chair Who Oversaw the Creation of Section 230

In an interview with ProMarket, former FCC chair Reed Hundt spoke about antitrust, Big Tech platforms, the future of the 1996 provision that provided legal protection...

Presenting: The Stigler Center’s Report on How to Rein in Big Tech

The Stigler Center presents its policy suggestions on how to address the political and economic issues raised by the market power of tech platforms...

How to Protect Competition and Consumers in Digital Markets

While some markets may self-correct, rapid self-correction in markets dominated by large digital platforms is unlikely. The economy and market structure subcommittee of the...

How to Address the Privacy and Security Challenges Posed by Big Tech

The idiosyncrasies of the American approach to regulation have left the world’s largest economy ill-equipped to protect consumers and guide firms when it comes...

How to Protect the News Media in the Age of Digital Platforms

Digital platforms present a new formidable threat to the news media that market forces will not correct if left to their own devices. The...

How to Mitigate the Political Impacts of Social Media and Digital Platform Concentration

Ahead of its annual conference on Digital Platforms, Markets and Democracy, the Stigler Center formed a committee to produce independent white papers that will...

“It’s Crucial to Break Up Facebook”

Columbia law professor Tim Wu on The Curse of Bigness, neo-Brandeisian antitrust, and the lessons we should learn from the first Gilded Age. Four...

Would Sen. Warner’s Ambitious Plan to Regulate Social Media Giants “Ruin” the Internet—Or Save it?

Sen. Mark Warner’s proposals to regulate social media platforms are by far the most ambitious to come from Congress. We gathered three experts to...

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