Despite the overwhelming importance of digital platforms, and the chatter around their recent rise, our understanding of digital ecosystems is still limited. As such,...
Senator Klobuchar’s bill includes many useful proposals to bolster antitrust enforcement, but the antitrust laws have been so weakened by the courts and by...
The antitrust reform bill recently proposed by Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) purports to fix problems caused by antitrust courts’ reliance on “inaccurate economic assumptions.”...
The Biden administration should work to reverse the declining morale since a re-energized Antitrust Division will translate into more effective, innovative enforcement efforts.
If confirmed, Khan’s nomination potentially heralds a profound shift in the way that antitrust law is enforced and discussed in the US.
Editor's note: Lina...
The dominant platforms have proven themselves to be ungovernable. Behavioral remedies, especially those that require continuous oversight, might be pushed aside. The only issue...