Regulatory Capture

The Only Game in Town: Central Banking as False Hope

To accompany Paul Tucker’s mini-course at the Stigler Center this week, we offer here an extract of the former Bank of England Deputy Governor’s...

Prize-Winning Innovations in Measuring Civic Capital and Its Effects

The European Economic Association has announced that this year’s Hicks Tinbergen medal will go to ProMarket editor and Stigler Center faculty director Luigi Zingales...

What Glue Holds Communist Capitalism Together in China? Cronyism

With a few cronyist tweaks, China’s communist leaders made capitalism safe for Party rule. But will cronyism become China’s next booming export? The Chinese economy...

What Insights Do Taxi Rides Offer into Federal Reserve Leakage?

Does investment-relevant information leak from the Fed? A new Stigler Center working paper finds surprising and novel evidence in a public dataset.     One of the...

Guns and Votes: The Victory of an Intense Minority Against an Apathetic Majority

This column on the "gun-control paradox"—the fact that gun regulations continually fail in the US Congress despite being supported by around 90 percent of...

The Other World Bank Scandal: A New Study Documents How Corporate Collusion Hurts the Bank’s Credibility—and Harms Sustainable Development

While the World Bank scrambles to contain the Doing Business rankings firestorm, a new paper by Rabia Malik and Randall Stone traces a more...

Have Business Schools Lost Their Way? Duff McDonald Talks HBS and the Moral Failure of the MBA Elite

Harvard Business School is the largest business school in the world, but is it fulfilling its founding mission of educating businesspeople who "handle their...

George Stigler and How Freshwater Economics Won the Day

Colleagues and protégés reminisce about the late George Stigler and his impact on the development of economic thought. Since they first rose to mainstream prominence in the...

The Secret Driver of US Health Care Costs: Politicians Wanting to Get Reelected

A pioneering new study provides a first-of-its-kind look into the outsized effect that lobbying and political maneuverings have on health care spending. Americans spend significantly more...

Tyler Cowen: Complacent Americans Can’t Imagine a Future Unlike the Present

In conversation with Stigler Center director Luigi Zingales, Tyler Cowen—one of the brains behind the world’s most popular economics blog, Marginal Revolution—argues that a...

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