
Governments and Central Banks Have a Few Unpleasant Options to Stop the Economic Contagion

The global economy and financial markets are seriously hit by the coronavirus outbreak. Central banks can do something, but monetary policy is not enough.  A fiscal stimulus might mitigate the impact, but the record-level outstanding amount of public and private debt adds additional risk to the current perfect storm.  

Why Coronavirus Triggered the First Global Supply-Chain Crisis

The only reason why there is no shortage of goods in American markets is that the epidemic outbreak was close to the Chinese New...

US Big Business vs China: How Monopolies Harm National Security

China’s goal is to concentrate power, both within China and over Western industrial commons. The best reaction is not to mimic Chinese autocratic control...

Who Won the South Carolina Democratic Debate? The ProMarket Panel's Analysis

Is Bernie Sanders inevitable, and is Michael Bloomberg doomed? Which candidate would be best suited to avoid a recession in the US? A ProMarket...

Sanders Is Leading the Democratic Primaries, but Don't Bet on an Open Convention

Bernie Sanders is a polarizing front-runner, but there are many reasons to believe the Democratic convention this summer is unlikely to repeat the drama...

The Only Regulation Mark Zuckerberg Likes Is No Regulation

In an op-ed and a white paper, Facebook's CEO argues that "private companies should not make so many decisions alone when they touch on...

Do Top Economics Journals Hold Female-Authored Papers to Higher Standards?

Articles written by male economists are cited less than articles published by women in the same journals, a new study on gender and quality...

“We Were Naïve,” Says FCC Chair Who Oversaw the Creation of Section 230

In an interview with ProMarket, former FCC chair Reed Hundt spoke about antitrust, Big Tech platforms, the future of the 1996 provision that provided legal protection...

How to Change Section 230 and Make Digital Platforms More Accountable

If elected, former Vice President and current Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden promised to "revoke immediately" the 1996 provision that gave tech companies like...

“Is the Market Actually Efficient? No, It Is Only a Very Powerful Narrative”

A conversation with Nobel Prize laureate Robert Shiller on his new book, Narrative Economics: "Economists do not study narratives systematically, but they shape the...

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