
Nobel Laureate Eugene Fama Predicts Bitcoin Will Become Worthless

Nobel Prize-winning economist Eugene Fama argues that Bitcoin is fundamentally flawed and predicts it has a near-certain chance of becoming worthless within a decade....

Marshall Forum 2024: The New Chicago Economics

The 2024 Marshall Forum held a panel on Chicago Economics, debating its focus on big questions, data-driven research, and the role of markets. Panelists discussed a move away from pure market efficiency and a growing focus on inequality within the field.

How Uber Provided Short-Term Solutions and Long-Term Problems

ProMarket Student Editor Surya Gowda speaks with Georgetown University postdoctoral fellow Katie J. Wells about her new book with Kafui Attoh and Declan Cullen, Disrupting D.C.: The Rise of Uber and the Fall of the City. Wells discusses how Uber stepped in to solve local government failures, but introduced new problems in the process.

In ProMarket Interview, Jonathan Kanter Outlines How DOJ Selects Cases

ProMarket interviewed Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter at the 2024 Stigler Center Antitrust and Competition Conference.

The Big Fail: An Interview with Bethany McLean

The Big Fail co-author Bethany McLean — also co-host of Stigler Center podcast Capitalisn’t — sits down with ProMarket to discuss how concentration and played a role in the United States government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Is The Decline In Marriage Causing Less Happiness? 

And why happiness research matters for economics. An interview with Sam Peltzman.

What Happens to Competition When Fewer Startups Go Public?

In a recent paper on “The Great Startup Sellout,” Bruno Pellegrino of Columbia University and a Stigler Center affiliate fellow, and Florian Ederer of Boston University, study how the changing life cycle of startups is affecting competition in the US economy. They conclude that the companies acquiring startups have become more and more insulated from competition.

Nobel Laureate Douglas Diamond on How the Fed Could Have Prevented SVB’s Collapse

Nobel Laureate and bank run expert Douglas Diamond argues that the Fed’s choice to signal long-term low interest rates, and then suddenly reverse course...

What Has the World Learned from a Year of War in Ukraine?

One year later, what has the world learned about conflict from the war in Ukraine? In an interview with ProMarket's Walter Frick, Chris Blattman...

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