Money in Politics

Can “Productive Tensions” Save American Democracy Again?

This is the first installment of a two-part interview we had with David Moss about his recently published book Democracy: A Case Study, which contains...

Raghuram Rajan: Populist Nationalism Is “the First Step Toward Crony Capitalism”

The former governor of the Reserve Bank of India discussed the “concentrated and devastating” impact that technology and trade had on blue-collar communities, the anger...

The Berlusconi Voter, Taken Seriously: a Little Exercise in Historical Comprehension

The Berlusconi phenomenon in Italy both anticipated and exhibits features that epitomize the plight of Western politics.     This is the third installment of ProMarket’s new article...

The Big Picture: Clientelism, Plutocracy, and Democratization

Why is the electoral process not enough to rid nations of pathological political distortions such as cronyism and corruption?   This is the second installment of ProMarket’s...

Populist Plutocrats as a Political Phenomenon

How can a rich man successfully pose as a representative of the poor and the disenfranchised and become the leader of a populist movement?...

Stigler Center Event: Is Direct Democracy a Solution to Populism?

Can direct democracy be used to fix the crisis of representative democracy? Join us for a series of three stand-alone, interrelated lunch seminars by...

How Many Newt Gingrich's Are There in Washington? Much More Than You Might Think

As more and more lobbyists move to consulting and PR agencies, experts say the underworld of hidden lobbying is probably much bigger than what formal...

Watch: Richard Posner Says Congresspeople Are “Slaves to the Donors”

A clip of Judge Richard Posner of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit in Chicago discussing the effects of the Supreme...

Stigler Center Lecture: Is American Democracy in Trouble?

David Moss, the Paul Whiton Cherington Professor at Harvard Business School, will examine the health of American democracy from a historical perspective. Fears about extreme...

Financial Trust Index: Americans are Angrier at the Current Economic Situation, Particularly Low-Income Whites

The latest update of the Chicago Booth/Kellogg School Financial Trust Index survey shows that anger at the current economic situation has been growing among...

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