
In the 2016 Presidential Election, Only 0.4 Percent of Donations Were Made by Donors Who Donated to Multiple Candidates

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump received few donations from people who had donated to other candidates in the Republican primary; the opposite occurred...

It Takes a Village to Maintain a Dangerous Financial System: Q&A with Anat Admati

Stanford professor Anat Admati discusses her new paper, in which she explains how a mix of distorted incentives, ignorance, confusion, and lack of accountability contributes to...

Employees of Large Companies Favor Hillary Clinton

Clinton received overwhelming support from workers in the banking, tech, and mobile industries. 98 percent of the total amount raised by workers at financial institutions...

Attorneys General for Sale? We Should Focus on the Practice, Not Just on Trump’s Role

Trump is not the only, nor the biggest, player in the game of influencing attorneys general. Singling him out for opprobrium is aiming at the...

Donald Trump and the Political Economy of Real Estate Tax in the US: Q&A With Professor Edward Kleinbard

Edward Kleinbard from the University of Southern California explains how Donald Trump was potentially able to lose nearly a billion dollars of his investors’...

Stigler Center Talk: Deutsche Bank Whistleblower on the SEC and Revolving Doors

Eric Ben-Artzi, the former Deutsche Bank risk officer turned whistleblower who rejected a multi-million dollar award from the SEC, will give a talk at...

Donation Preferences: Republicans Outnumbered in Academia

Vast majority of faculty and staff members from universities support Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump's percentage of donations from faculty and staff is on average 0.5...

Are Special Interests Dooming the Euro to Fail?

As the Eurozone struggles to stave off a lingering economic crisis, four economists debate the measures necessary to ensure its survival and what’s preventing...

Capture and Ignorance in Financial Regulation

The most fruitful avenue for reducing regulatory capture is to impose more checks-and-balances on our agencies, reversing recent trends toward expediency. After spending some years...

Meet the Sugar Barons Who Used Both Sides of American Politics to Get Billions in Subsidies

Meet the Florida-based Fanjul brothers, who inject money to both political parties and dominate an industry that enjoys billions of dollar's worth of subsidies and protections.  Last week,...

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