
How the Global Audit Firms, Led by Deloitte, Are Using Their Lobbying Clout to Dilute Sarbanes-Oxley Reforms

A look at the Big Four’s congressional lobbying activity shows the auditors and their trade association taking advantage of the “Trump” window to roll...

The Powerful Private Regulator and the Effects of Conflicts of Interest

A new study reveals both the potential biases in the proxy advisory industry and how a new entrant can help mitigate conflicts of interest. The...

Wells Fargo and the Failure of Boards and Regulators

Two new reports concerning the Wells Fargo scandal suggest that the bank's senior management, its board of directors, and the regulators all knew about the bank's...

When We Are Less Interested in the Truth, Capture Thrives

The unprecedented divide between the way that Democrats and Republicans perceive the state of the economy may be linked to two important theories in...

Stigler Center Launches Case Study Series

On Thursday, the Stigler Center will launch the first in a series of business case studies that focus on the many ways special interest...

I Was a Whistleblower. The Fed Is Not Doing Enough to Fix Wall Street’s Culture of Fear

Deutsche Bank whistleblower Eric Ben-Artzi, who publicly rejected a multimillion dollar award from the Securities and Exchange Commission this summer, writes about the failure...

How Many Newt Gingrich's Are There in Washington? Much More Than You Might Think

As more and more lobbyists move to consulting and PR agencies, experts say the underworld of hidden lobbying is probably much bigger than what formal...

Watch: Richard Posner Says Congresspeople Are “Slaves to the Donors”

A clip of Judge Richard Posner of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit in Chicago discussing the effects of the Supreme...

Uber, the Mayor’s Private Email, and the Underground Lobbying Complex

The recent revelations regarding the interactions between Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel and former Uber executive and Obama adviser David Plouffe suggest that the real action in...

Stigler Center Lecture: Is American Democracy in Trouble?

David Moss, the Paul Whiton Cherington Professor at Harvard Business School, will examine the health of American democracy from a historical perspective. Fears about extreme...

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