The recently-released secret taping of a conversation between Brazil’s president Michel Temer and one of the country's most prominent businessmen reveals the extent to which big business...
New paper finds that political and personal interests have a major impact on politicians’ decisions regarding bank bailouts.
In his memoir Stress Test (Crown, 2014), former Treasury...
A new Stigler Center case study chronicling the story of Chile’s first crowdfunding platform and its early regulatory challenges illustrates how financial regulations can be...
New Stigler Center working paper: “To the extent that legislators represent majority opinion, it happens largely because legislators share the opinions of their constituents,...
A new Stigler Center working paper looks into the effects of referendums and public initiatives on public policy and finds that direct democracy better...
Between January 2009 and December 2015, White House officials met with corporate CEOs 2,286 times. A new study, to be presented at the upcoming Stigler Center...
Can direct democracy be used to fix the crisis of representative democracy? Join us for a series of three stand-alone, interrelated lunch seminars by...
A look at the Big Four’s congressional lobbying activity shows the auditors and their trade association taking advantage of the “Trump” window to roll...