
The Berlusconi Voter, Taken Seriously: a Little Exercise in Historical Comprehension

The Berlusconi phenomenon in Italy both anticipated and exhibits features that epitomize the plight of Western politics.     This is the third installment of ProMarket’s new article...

Eliot Spitzer: The Democratic Party Has Become the Party of the Status Quo

Former New York governor Eliot Spitzer talks about antitrust, digital platforms, economic concentration, and regulatory capture. Part 2 of 2.      In the first part of...

The Big Picture: Clientelism, Plutocracy, and Democratization

Why is the electoral process not enough to rid nations of pathological political distortions such as cronyism and corruption?   This is the second installment of ProMarket’s...

Eliot Spitzer: The U.S. Never Had the Will and the Ability to Hold the Most Powerful to Account

In a special interview with ProMarket, former New York governor Eliot Spitzer talks about financial regulation, regulatory capture, and antitrust. Part 1 of 2.   Clear rules and...

Populist Plutocrats as a Political Phenomenon

How can a rich man successfully pose as a representative of the poor and the disenfranchised and become the leader of a populist movement?...

How Biology Explains Back-Scratching Between Wall Street and Government

The revolving door of government and business explained in the lab. The systemic financial risk-taking in the lead-up to the financial crisis was a product...

"The Pharmaceutical Industry Has a Large Amount of Control Over the Field of Oncology"

In the second part of our two-part interview with Daniel Goldstein, MD, an oncologist who studies the influence of business interests on healthcare, we talk...

When Medical Experiments Serve the Business Needs of Pharmaceutical Firms Instead of Science

The first part of a two-part interview with Daniel Goldstein, MD, an oncologist who also studies the influence of business interests on healthcare—from treating patients...

Big Four Audit Firms Enjoy a “Too Few to Fail” Regulatory Hall Pass

The failure of Enron and subsequent demise of Arthur Andersen led to significant changes for public reporting and auditing but not much change in...

How Market Power Leads to Corporate Political Influence

Neoclassical economic theory assumes that firms have no power to influence the rules of the game. A new paper by Luigi Zingales argues: This is...

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