
Populism and Time Inconsistency

This recent column analyzes the recent ascendance of populists across the international stage through the lens of the concept of ‘time inconsistency’—that is, the...

Chicago’s Hidden Figure: A Chat with Claire Friedland on her Work with George Stigler

Claire Friedland, who served as George Stigler’s research assistant from 1959 until his death in 1991, reminisces about her decades of pioneering work with Stigler and...

Did US Banks Try to Manipulate the Dodd-Frank Debate by Delaying Mortgage Foreclosures?

Did banks delay foreclosures on delinquent mortgages in the districts of House Financial Services Committee members prior to the passage of the Dodd-Frank Act?     The...

Watch: “Stigler in the 21st Century”

Our 40th anniversary event brought together academics and intellectuals to discuss George Stigler’s legacy. Watch the second day's sessions.      The George J. Stigler Center for the Study of...

In a Mexican Establishment Rattled by Corruption Scandals, Impunity Reigns

High-profile scandals like Odebrecht, The Panama Papers, and Swiss Leaks have brought down powerful politicians and businesspeople across Latin America. In Mexico, however, not a...

Stigler on Monopolies: “Competition is a Tough Weed, Not a Delicate Flower”

Many of Stigler’s views on monopoly and antitrust were consistent through the decades. Even after his concerns of monopoly began to recede, he continued...

"What’s Happening in the U.S. and in European Countries Is a Reaction Against the Political Class"

"Despite some specifics on the national level, I would say that all the populist regimes and leaders share common characteristics," says José Ugaz, the...

George Stigler on Regulation: Lessons for Today

October 20 marks the 35th anniversary of George Stigler’s Nobel prize, the first of Booth School of Business’s grand total of eight Nobels. To...

Who Is to Blame for the 2008 Financial Crisis?

The IGM Center at the University of Chicago has asked its American and European economist panel to rate the main causes of the financial...

“There Are Good Grounds for Being Very Cynical About Western Elites”

Ahead of his visit to the Stigler Center on October 25, Edward Luce, Washington columnist for the Financial Times and author of The Retreat of...

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