
“In the Wake of the 2008 Crisis, You Can't Ignore the Influence of Big Business on Economic Policy”

Historian and author Adam Tooze talks to ProMarket about how the financial crisis “remade” American capitalism, why the US response to the crisis was...

Implicit Government Involvement In The Puerto Rican Debt Crisis

Why were Puerto Rico's economic and financial troubles not reflected in its bond yields prior to its 2016 default? A Stigler Center working paper...

Is Liberal Democracy Doomed? A Q&A With Yascha Mounk

Mounk, author of the recent book The People vs. Democracy: Why Our Freedom Is in Danger & How to Save It, talks to ProMarket about...

Pursuers of Truth or Peddlers of Influence?

Academic capture by donors threatens norms of independence and integrity at institutions of higher education, argue faculty members from Saint Louis University. Our university recently received the...

Loose Policies Around Close Elections Highlight the Political Limits of Macroprudential Regulation

What can policymakers do to prevent future financial crises? An emerging consensus holds that so-called macroprudential regulation is key: policies that aim to mitigate...

Why Every Good Economist Should Be Feminist

As every good economist knows, markets work best when they are competitive. Therefore, every good economist should also be a feminist, defending a level...

Does Ownership of Financial Assets Lead Voters to Support Republicans?

Does owning financial assets lead voters to support Republicans? New research on the liberty bonds of World War I suggests the story may be...

A Former Central Banker Tells Other Central Bankers: “Stay Away From Davos”

In an interview with ProMarket, former Bank of England deputy governor Sir Paul Tucker explains why the “unelected power” of central bankers threatens our...

On Science Advancing One Funeral at a Time

Do star scientists erect barriers to entry for newcomers in their fields? Pierre Azoulay and Joshua Graff Zivin bring some data to the question...

Livestreaming Polluters to Enforce Environmental Policy: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Pittsburgh

Enforcing environmental regulations is controversial and can be costly. But researchers at UCLA and Carnegie Mellon have proposed a low-cost alternative for enforcement—disclosing emissions...

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