
Who Won the Democratic Debate? The ProMarket Panel Responds

A panel of ProMarket writers and editors met to watch the third Democratic Debate. Find out what they thought about it.   

How to Lobby on E-Waste? A New Stigler Center Case Study on the Hewlett-Packard Dilemma

Brian K. Richter’s case study illustrates how firms can use lobbying strategies to complement socially responsible activities that are cost centers and turn them...

The Hidden Risk in Bernie Sanders's Plan to Save Journalism: an Unholy Alliance Between Publishers and Tech Monopolists

Sanders's plan is important and laudable, but his proposal to use a tax on targeted advertising to fund journalism is dangerous.        Donald Trump is not the...

Call for Papers: Academic Lobbying

Ahead of our fourth annual Theory of the Firm conference, we are soliciting papers dedicated to the topic of academic lobbying.     Three years ago,...

How Robert Bork Fathered the New Gilded Age

Much like in the first Gilded Age, antitrust enforcers today are hitting labor, not capital. This is thanks to Robert Bork’s radical and influential...

The Limits of Private Action: What the Past 40 Years Taught Us About the Perils of Unregulated Markets

The two big ideas that animated American public policy since the end of World War II, employer-sponsored social benefits and neoliberalism, are failures. We...

The Future of Capitalism and the Utopia That Never Was

In his review of Paul Collier’s recent book The Future of Capitalism, Branko Milanovic discusses ideology, social democracy, and the "ethical world."     Paul Collier’s...

Why American Voters Are Still Not Ready to Support Carbon Taxes

Economists and policy elites love carbon taxes, but voters dislike them. A new study suggests that ideology has a lot to do with it....

How the Supreme Court Is Rebranding Corruption

In thirteen years of hostile decisions, the Roberts Supreme Court has done all it can to legalize corruption. With the Bridgegate case, it gets...

“Following the Money” to Uncover Terrorist Organizations

Critics have argued in recent years that financial counterterrorism is costly and ineffective. But a new Stigler Center working paper shows that it can...

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