
Political Economy, Blind Spots, and a Challenge to Academics

Anat Admati calls on economists and academics to engage with governance and political economy issues, scrutinize models before applying them to the real world,...

The New SEC Proxy Rules Will Redefine American Capitalism: Let’s Debate Them

A new SEC proposal regarding proxy advisors will make it harder for shareholders to vote against CEOs' preferences. However, there is a 60-day period...

How Israel's Antimonopolists Helped Take Down Benjamin Netanyahu

The corruption exposed by Israeli antimonopolists has been a key driver of Benjamin Netanyahu's current political woes.        If you pay any attention to the weird...

The SEC's Proposal on Proxy Advisor Regulation Shields CEOs From Accountability to Investors

SEC Commissioner Robert Jackson dissented from his SEC colleagues' proposal on how to reform proxy advisors regulation. New rules, he argues, would introduce a...

Why a New Digital Authority Is Necessary

A recent Washington Post op-ed claimed that creating a digital authority to regulate Big Tech would be a disaster because of high costs and the...

A Financier Against the Russian Oligarchs: Why Bill Browder Is Putin's Public Enemy No. 1

Bill Browder, Heritage Fund founder and the person behind the Magnitsky Act, will speak at the Stigler Center on November 8. Browder and professor Luigi Zingales...

Chile's Fall From Grace Shows the Failures of Neoliberalism

For many years, Chile’s economic growth and transition to democracy have made it the poster boy for neoliberalism. The current wave of protests highlights...

The Other Side of Trump's Shadow Diplomacy: After Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo in Italy Too?

The White House asked the Italian government for support in its "investigation on the investigators" to prove the existence of a Democratic plot against...

The Harvard Admission Lawsuit Decision Does Not Answer the Main Question: What Are Top Universities For?

A judge ruled this month that Harvard does not discriminate against Asian-American applicants, according to its own criteria. But what kind of students do...

The Humbling of Mark Zuckerberg

Zuckerberg's Congressional testimony this week illustrated just how much Facebook's top brass still underestimate the public anger against the company. Congress, however, is still...

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