
The Only Regulation Mark Zuckerberg Likes Is No Regulation

In an op-ed and a white paper, Facebook's CEO argues that "private companies should not make so many decisions alone when they touch on...

How to Choose a President: The Electoral College and an Argument Whose Time Has Gone

Two of the three presidents in this century, George Bush and Donald Trump, initially won office by coming in second in the popular vote. The...

Facebook’s Enduring Control Over Social Media Markets

According to the British Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), Facebook accounts for 75 percent of the UK’s social media market. Over the past 10 years,...

Antitrust Law’s Current Stance Toward Workers Violates Its Original Purpose to Balance Power With Powerful Firms

Antitrust law’s present-day bias against democratic cooperation and in favor of top-down corporate control has contributed more broadly to the institutional weakness and perceived...

The Chicken/Egg Problem With Google Search That Prevents Competition

Google controls the British search market, according to the UK's Competition and Markets Authority. Its 90 percent market share and profits from general search are...

With the Court Approval of the T-Mobile/Sprint Merger, the Dominant Doctrine in Antitrust Has Jumped the Shark

New York Judge Victor Marrero allowed two major mobile companies to merge in an already concentrated telecom industry, ensuring that prices will rise and...

Google’s and Facebook’s Grip on Digital Advertising Markets

Since July 2019, the UK's Competition and Markets Authority has been conducting an extensive investigation of the digital advertising market. In its preliminary report on...

Can Google Mobilize Its Users to Lobby Elected Officials?

Google has an 87 percent market share in the search business and the potential to mobilize more voters than the Democratic primaries, according to...

How to Regulate Digital Platforms: A Database

Over the past couple of years, many antitrust authorities commissioned expert groups or released working papers addressing different areas of digital policy. For the...

A Majority of Americans Don’t Trust Facebook, One Third Supports Breaking It Up

The annual Chicago Booth/Kellogg School Financial Trust Index survey shows that 73 percent of Americans disapprove of Facebook’s policy not to fact-check political ads....

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