
Keeping Business Alive During the Coronavirus Crisis: Government as Buyer of Last Resort

The government has to compensate businesses and workers for their losses so that each business can re-emerge almost intact after the hibernation due to...

Bethany McLean’s Weekend Reading List: the Pandemic’s Long-Term Consequences

Corruption, lobbying, corporate malfeasance, and frauds: a weekly unconventional selection of must-read articles by investigative journalist Bethany McLean.      Of course, this weekend's list is mostly...

The ECB Can Save the Italian Economy and Prevent a New Euro Crisis Triggered by Covid-19 Fallout

The Italian government's effort to contain the coronavirus will have significant economic consequences. Italy should be allowed to ask for emergency help with one...

Captured Western Governments Are Failing the Coronavirus Test

In deciding on possible countermeasures, residents of Western democracies often hear only two opposite perspectives: Is the priority to minimize the loss of human...

Why Depending on China for US Health Needs Is Dangerous

In 2018, the Health Industry Distributor’s Association opposed Trump's tariffs on China with the argument that dependence on China for things hospitals needed, like gloves,...

Why Elizabeth Warren Has Not Endorsed Joe Biden (Yet)

After winning in four more states, Biden can expect to have the necessary 1,991 delegates long before the July Democratic convention in Milwaukee. Elizabeth Warren...

How to Save American Middle-Sized Businesses from the Coronavirus Supply-Chain Crisis

Congress passed an $8.3 billion spending bill to address the coronavirus epidemic, but the bill will not protect small companies. Republican Senator Marco Rubio put forward...

Are the Findings in Academic Economic Journals to be Trusted?

A growing number of studies provide evidence that editors (and referees) of academic journals often publish only findings showing a significant effect or surprising...

American Oligarch: Michael Bloomberg Reveals His One Remaining Path to the Democratic Nomination

Michael Bloomberg's only real path to the nomination was always a contested convention, where he could be able to further leverage his wealth and...

Who Won the South Carolina Democratic Debate? The ProMarket Panel's Analysis

Is Bernie Sanders inevitable, and is Michael Bloomberg doomed? Which candidate would be best suited to avoid a recession in the US? A ProMarket...

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