
How to Get Police Reform Done? Use Direct Democracy

Instead of just imploring their representatives to fix things, Americans can use the tools of direct democracy to take charge and promote meaningful policing...

Break Up the Police

In most cities in America, it is not the police that answers to the mayors, but the mayors to the police. The only solution...

Are We Witnessing the Fall of the American Liberal Order?

In the past 30 years, liberalism has not lived up to its promise to deliver economic returns for the broad majority of society. But...

Paid to Show the Drug Works: Why “Blind” Clinical Trials for New Drugs are Far Less Blind Than They Should Be

New research shows that physicians in industry-sponsored trials are more captured by pharmaceutical companies than physicians in unsponsored ones. Economists love health care because it...

It Is Such a Small World: The Market-Design Academic Community Evolved in a Business Network

Private equity funds such as Michael Dell's MSD Capital made hundreds of millions of dollars in profits from the 2017 FCC spectrum auction, thanks...

How Market Design Economists Helped Engineer a Mass Privatization of Public Resources

In 2017, the Federal Communications Commission conducted a complex two-sided auction to reallocate spectrum from broadcasters to mobile communications companies. The way economists designed...

Launching the New, Improved ProMarket

We are very excited to present to you our new design for ProMarket. In addition to our usual mix of articles based on academic...

Much of Antitrust Law Today Is Based on Unsupported or Demonstrably False Economic Theories. Will Economists Take Heed?

Many of the economic assumptions of contemporary antitrust law are unsupported or false, as the executive branch and judiciary have remade the law in...

Political Economy of Covid-19: Surveillance and the Future of Privacy

Join the Stigler Center on Monday, May 11, for a conversation with The Markup’s editor-in-chief Julia Angwin and University of Chicago Law professor Lior Strahilevitz,...

Here’s How Covid-19 Is Boosting Monopolization and Market Power

Monopolization and consolidation can happen for what seem to be good, or least necessary, reasons. How we respond as a society depends on how...

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