Relying on marginal market prices to provide the incentives for the production and delivery of electricity means that all of the biophysical things enrolled...
Even in an ideal electricity market, reliability is an elusive and precarious byproduct of companies’ search for profits. Since market designers are rarely in...
The Biden administration should work to reverse the declining morale since a re-energized Antitrust Division will translate into more effective, innovative enforcement efforts.
The #OpenLux investigation underlines that, despite undeniable progress in terms of transparency, there is still considerable work to be done in the fight against...
Dozens of foreign citizens linked to corruption, embezzlement of public funds, organized crime, and tax crime have opened companies in Luxembourg, seemingly without raising...
In an interview with ProMarket, short-seller Fahmi Quadir, who has shorted companies like Wirecard and Valeant, discussed the public perception of short-sellers and what...
Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) were established in the 1960s to control drug costs but have since morphed into one of the most highly concentrated...
In his book Ill Winds: Saving Democracy from Russian Rage, Chinese Ambition, and American Complacency, Larry Diamond highlights 10 steps to close existing loopholes in the...
A Stigler Center webinar explores how businesses lobby and compete for political power and whether mergers and industry concentration affect lobbying.
Firms compete in markets,...