Culture & Society

The Political Impact of the Pandemic on Open Societies: a Webinar With Tyler Cowen

Princeton professor Markus Brunnermeier and professor and blogger Tyler Cowen discuss the long-term implications of lockdown and contact tracing measures. "People at first grossly...

Europe’s Last Call, China’s PR, and a New Role for the State: a Conversation Between Luis Garicano and Luigi Zingales

Former academic and current Member of European Parliament Luis Garicano and Luigi Zingales discuss the future of the European Union and of its member...

How Has the Covid-19 Crisis Affected Hourly Workers at Small Businesses?

Since the coronavirus crisis began, firms have dramatically reduced employee hours. By March 28, total hours declined over 70 percent in states with the...

During a Pandemic, Beware the Man of One Model

"I have great respect for the scientific model builders who attempt at quantifying the uncertainty we face and those policy advisors who are willing to accept differences...

The Cantillon Effect: Why Wall Street Gets a Bailout and You Don’t

According to the 18th-century French banker and philosopher Richard Cantillon, who benefits when the state prints money is based on its institutional setup. In...

Election Timetabling Is Not the Role of Judges

As wrong as it is that the Wisconsin elections were held under patently unsafe conditions, it is not the place of the courts to...

Bethany McLean’s Weekend Reading List: YouTube, Food Banks and AI

Corruption, lobbying, corporate malfeasance, and frauds: a weekly unconventional selection of must-read articles by investigative journalist Bethany McLean.  No, this isn't about financial malfeasance, and...

How to Avoid a Mass of Business Bankruptcies: Two Policy Proposals

Existing fiscal and monetary policies are powerless to restore firms’ revenues during this health emergency. Many firms will soon begin having trouble meeting their...

A New Capitalisn’t Episode: How to Exit the Covid-19 Quarantine – a Reading List

For the good of public health, it's important that we continue staying in quarantine, at least for another month or two. But eventually, we...

Deaths of Despair and Covid-19: a Webinar With Angus Deaton and Luigi Zingales

Deaths of despair are a slow disintegration of working-class lives: Will the coronavirus accelerate this process? In a conversion with Luigi Zingales, Nobel laureate...

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