Culture & Society

How to Get Police Reform Done? Use Direct Democracy

Instead of just imploring their representatives to fix things, Americans can use the tools of direct democracy to take charge and promote meaningful policing...

Revenge of the Experts: Will Covid-19 Diminish Trust in Science and Scientists?

It is often argued that the Covid-19 pandemic will reverse the ongoing trend of diminishing trust in science and scientists. A new paper finds...

Break Up the Police

In most cities in America, it is not the police that answers to the mayors, but the mayors to the police. The only solution...

The Economic and Social Implications of Racial Disparities: A Webinar With Lisa Cook

Michigan State University professor Lisa Cook joined Princeton’s Bendheim Center for Finance to discuss how violence impacts innovation, as well as the economic and...

Why Economic Predictions Are Useless Right Now

The Covid-19 crisis is unprecedented in its global scope and open-ended, uncontrollable progress. By their very nature, the models that economists often use to...

Covid-19 and Amazon’s Future: a Webinar With Stacy Mitchell, Steven Kaplan, and Jacob Schlesinger

As part of the Stigler Center’s Political Economy of Covid-19 Series of online programming, which explores the economic and political implications of Covid-19 with...

How Were the PPP’s $660 Billion for Small and Medium Firms Allocated?

A new study suggests that the Payroll Protection Program's funds were primarily allocated based on 2019’s estimated payroll, which is how the program was...

When and How the US Should Reopen Is a Matter of Politics, Trust in Institutions and Media, Survey Says

A new survey from the Rustandy Center and the Poverty Lab at the University of Chicago finds that political party affiliation and trust in...

Why Social Distancing Measures Seem Less Effective in the US

Guidelines assume that the less people move around, the less likely they are to be in contact. However, phone location data show that in...

Amazon-Owned Movie Theaters: the Next Step in Entertainment Industry Consolidation

Amazon is in talks to buy AMC Theaters, whose business model was jeopardized by the coronavirus pandemic. Other streaming companies, such as Disney and...

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