
Assessing India’s Ex-Ante Framework for Competition in Digital Markets

Vikas Kathuria evaluates India’s new ex-ante framework to regulate digital markets. He assesses its divergences from Europe’s archetypal Digital Markets Act and the characteristics of India’s political economy that explain these differences.

Should Every Town And Village Have Unfettered Access To The Municipal Bond Market?

Kent Hiteshew and Ivan Ivanov write that the United States municipal bond market suffers from fragmentation, poor liquidity, and inadequate disclosure due to the dominance of small, infrequent issuers who struggle to meet regulatory disclosure requirements. They argue that greater involvement of state-backed municipal bond banks could help address these issues by pooling smaller issuances, reducing borrowing costs, and streamlining disclosure obligations for local governments.

The Political Economy of Right-Wing Populism in the United States

George Hawley explores the economic impulses behind parts of the Republican Party’s populist turn and what this means for the GOP going forward.

The Battle for the EU’s Economic Soul Excludes European Voters

The upcoming European elections will determine the next European Parliament, but the real competition for the EU's economic future lies in the debate between two competing visions, writes Stefano Feltri. One vision, represented by Emmanuel Macron and Mario Draghi, calls for a radical departure from the EU's traditional approach to prioritize strategic autonomy and industrial policy, while the other, championed by Enrico Letta, argues for strengthening the single market and addressing its shortcomings to shape globalization and ensure security through fair competition.

The Political Economy of Populism in the United Kingdom

James Wood explores the sources of populism in the United Kingdom, its recent developments, and what this means for the country’s 2024 general election.

The Paradox Of Place-Based Policy

The Biden administration's ambitious place-based industrial policy aims to both revitalize struggling regions and bolster America's strategic economic sectors, but these two goals often conflict. Walter Frick writes that while policies that boost economic prospects in distressed areas may not immediately transform them into innovation hubs, they could unlock the potential of future generations and ultimately contribute to the nation's innovative capacity.

Billionaire Blockholders Are Stifling Competition in Corporate America

Much of the focus of recent antitrust scrutiny has been on companies, with very little attention paid to the motivations of the individual managers setting the anticompetitive strategies of their enterprises. Understanding the concrete personal incentives of the billionaire blockholders entrenched at the helm of most of America’s incumbent corporations is critical to devising effective competition, corporate governance, and tax policy fixes to tackle harmful market concentration at the root.

The Political Economy of Populism in Italy

Davide Vampa explores the sources of populism in Italy, its recent developments, and what this means for the country’s 2024 European Parliament election.

The FTC Noncompete Ban Is Legal

Jonathan Masur and Eric Posner argue that the Federal Trade Commissions’ recent ban on noncompete clauses is lawful under the plain language of the Federal Trade Commission Act, longstanding court precedent, and well-established administrative law principles.

Are Letta, Macron and Draghi Marking the End of Neoliberalism in Europe?

Recent contributions from Enrico Letta, Mario Draghi, and Emmanuel Macron are exposing however deep concerns that the European project is floundering. Cristina Caffarra writes that Letta, Draghi and Macron are collectively making an urgent call to tackle the reality of a “divided bloc” that has lost ground, rethink industrial policy, public good investments and reformulate traditional trade-offs. Explicitly acknowledging the end of the neoliberal vision that still occupies many European institutions (from antitrust to trade to industrial policy) will be important to “join the dots” and make the trade-offs clearer.

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