Vivek Ghosal

Vivek Ghosal is the Virginia and Lloyd W. Rittenhouse Professor and Department Head of Economics at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. At Rensselaer, he served as Acting Dean during 2023. From 2001-2016 Ghosal was a faculty member at Georgia Institute of Technology. His areas of academic research and published papers are in antitrust, empirical industrial organization, and the interaction between regulations and firm strategy. He was an economist at the Antitrust Divion, U.S. Department of Justice from 1998-2001 where he worked on mergers and acquisitions, horizontal and vertical market power, tying agreements, joint ventures, regulatory reform, and innovation and efficiency. Some of the markets he investigated include information technology, energy, electricity, media, and postal. He worked with OECD developing the Competition Assessment Toolkit and its implementation over 2005-2012.

Big Tech Investments in AI Startups Do Not Raise Competitive Red Flags

Vivek Ghosal reviews the data, economics, and market conditions of the growing artificial intelligence market and finds that it is quite dynamic in terms of evolving partnerships and firms, and is relatively competitive. Thus, Big Tech investments into AI startups do not warrant investigation by the government at this time.

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