Utsav Gandhi

Utsav Gandhi is a first-year Ph.D. student in Communications and Media Studies at the University of Illinois (Chicago), where he is broadly interested in business models and regulation of social media, news media, and generative AI. Originally from Mumbai, India, Gandhi was previously a Research Professional at the Stigler Center and holds a Masters in Public Policy from the University of Chicago’s Harris School, where he completed extensive coursework in technology policy and digital media.

What Happens When Billionaires Control the News You Read

Utsav Gandhi explores how billionaire media owners, from Musk to Bezos, are influencing newsrooms, altering editorial policies, and reshaping the future of press freedom...

The TikTok Ban Is a Case Study in American Political Economy 101

Utsav Gandhi relates recent developments in the American government’s ban on TikTok and shows how the case maps over broader debates about conflicts between...

How the Massive Google SEO Leak Plays Into the Marketplace for Search

Utsav Gandhi discusses the findings of the May 2024 Google SEO leak, which gave analysts a novel, albeit speculative, look into how Google might choose to promote and demote content. The findings have possible implications for businesses and news organizations struggling to compete for views and suggest that transparency could become an increasing factor in the future search market as new, artificial intelligence-powered competitors enter the market.

Stakeholder Motivations for “Private Sanctions” Against Russia

As the war in Ukraine enters its second year, a new study measures stakeholders’ desire to see their firms exit Russia and how these...

Event Notes: How Will China Move on from the Covid-19 Pandemic?

Countries around the world have overseen wide-ranging public health responses to the Covid-19 pandemic. On June 10, the Stigler Center hosted a panel of...

Data is Abundant But is it Accessible to Researchers?

Despite the wide availability of data, ensuring independent access to data sources has never been more crucial. How can researchers engage in data sharing...

Google’s Anticompetitive Conduct and the Remedies to Prevent It

The Stigler Center, of which ProMarket is a part, recently hosted a panel discussion looking at the antitrust case against Google and discussing potential...

How Should Antitrust Deal With Facebook? A Stigler Center Panel Investigates

Panelists at the Stigler Center’s recent antitrust conference look at the antitrust case against Facebook and discuss potential theories of harm, as well as...

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