Tomer S. Stein

Tomer Stein is the Wilkinson Junior Research Professor of Law at the University of Tennessee. He focuses his teaching and scholarship on Business Associations (in particular, Corporate Law and Governance), Mergers and Acquisitions, and Contracts. Professor Stein is also affiliated with the Haslam College of Business, where he serves as a Research Fellow in both the Neel Corporate Governance Center and the Anderson Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation. Outside of the University of Tennessee, Professor Stein’s national service includes his appointment to the Executive Committee of Business Associations Law of the American Association of Law Schools. His scholarly publications have appeared or are forthcoming in law journals such as the Washington University Law Review, Utah Law Review, Arizona State Law Journal, and the Hastings Law Journal.

The Robust Impact of Judicial Lobbying on the Development of Business Law

W.C. Bunting and Tomer Stein investigate the role of amicus curiae process in the development of business law cases at the state level. The findings reveal that the business law amicus curiae process is dominated by lobbying groups, particularly by associations serving big business, and that these "Amicus Lobbying" efforts have a higher success rate compared to non-lobbying groups.

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