S.P. Kothari

S.P. Kothari is Gordon Y Billard Professor of Accounting and Finance at MIT’s Sloan School of Management. He has senior executive experience in government, academia, and industry with expertise in strategic and policy issues, securities regulation, and corporate governance. Most recently, he was Chief Economist and Director of the Division of Economic and Risk Analysis at the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Previously, Kothari was deputy dean of MIT Sloan School of Management, global head of equity research for Barclays Global Investors; and director of Bombay Stock Exchange; currently he is a director of Velan Studios and EbixCash. Kothari was awarded India’s Padma Shri and Honorary Doctorates from London Business School, University of Cyprus, and University of Technology, Sydney.

US Deregulation Should Target Occupational Delicensing Next

State occupational-licensing requirements have ballooned over the past decades to cover seemingly nonsensical professions, raising barriers to entry and costs for consumers. Ray Ball, S.P. Kothari, and Andrew Sutherland argue that the current deregulatory movement in the United States should target these regulations next.

Why Stock Buybacks Increase Financial Stability in Banking

New research from SP Kothari, Hamid Mehran and Zirui Song argues that share buybacks - rather than traditional dividends - may actually be safer for financial stability since they offer banks more flexibility and don't signal distress when reduced. The authors show that while dividends create pressure for consistent payments and industry-wide ripple effects when cut, buybacks allow banks to adjust their capital distribution to the present circumstances.

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