Sarah C. Haan

Sarah C. Haan teaches law at Washington and Lee University School of Law. She writes at the intersection of corporate law and democracy on subjects such as corporate governance, shareholder voting rights, and disclosure. Her scholarship has appeared in the Stanford Law Review, the Yale Law Journal, the Northwestern University Law Review and other leading journals, and has been featured in the New York Times, the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, and the CLS Blue Sky Blog.

Is Democracy Relevant to the Way We Govern Public Companies?

On May 29, Exxon Mobil held its 2024 corporate election. Before the election, the company sued two investors over their proposal to include a commitment in its proxy statement to accelerate the company’s reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Sarah Haan argues that the election and the lawsuit shed more light on current upheavals in corporate democracy than they do on the success of the ESG movement.

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