A new site created by ProMarket board member Amit Seru (Stanford) and co-authors Mark Egan (Harvard) and Gregor Matvos (UT Austin) offers free data and...
This week in political economy.
House and Senate Republicans released the final version of their tax bill late Friday afternoon. The Washington Post breaks...
Colleagues and protégés reminisce about the late George Stigler and his impact on the development of economic thought.
Since they first rose to mainstream prominence in the...
The stories that most interested us this week.
The Senate approved the Republican tax bill last night following a series of last-minute amendments, paving the way...
Watch comments by Luigi Zingales from the recent AEI Panel "Should Washington Break Up Big Tech?”
The excessive concentration of power in the hands of the...
Claire Friedland, who served as George Stigler’s research assistant from 1959 until his death in 1991, reminisces about her decades of pioneering work with Stigler and...