ProMarket writers

Presenting: The Stigler Center’s Report on How to Rein in Big Tech

The Stigler Center presents its policy suggestions on how to address the political and economic issues raised by the market power of tech platforms...

“The World Has Changed”: the New York Times on Luigi Zingales, the “Chicago School,” and the Threat of Tech Monopolies

A New York Times profile summarizes the work done by Luigi Zingales and the Stigler Center on regulating digital platforms and describes it as...

Who Won the Democratic Debate? The ProMarket Panel Responds

A panel of ProMarket writers and editors met to watch the third Democratic Debate. Find out what they thought about it.   

How to Lobby on E-Waste? A New Stigler Center Case Study on the Hewlett-Packard Dilemma

Brian K. Richter’s case study illustrates how firms can use lobbying strategies to complement socially responsible activities that are cost centers and turn them...

Walmart and Gun Control: Should Companies Self-Regulate When the Government Doesn’t Act? A New Capitalisn’t Episode

The biggest retailer in the US decided to end all handgun ammunition sales, and the four largest automakers announced a private deal with California...

Call for Papers: Academic Lobbying

Ahead of our fourth annual Theory of the Firm conference, we are soliciting papers dedicated to the topic of academic lobbying.     Three years ago,...

How to Protect Competition and Consumers in Digital Markets

While some markets may self-correct, rapid self-correction in markets dominated by large digital platforms is unlikely. The economy and market structure subcommittee of the...

How to Address the Privacy and Security Challenges Posed by Big Tech

The idiosyncrasies of the American approach to regulation have left the world’s largest economy ill-equipped to protect consumers and guide firms when it comes...

How to Protect the News Media in the Age of Digital Platforms

Digital platforms present a new formidable threat to the news media that market forces will not correct if left to their own devices. The...

How to Mitigate the Political Impacts of Social Media and Digital Platform Concentration

Ahead of its annual conference on Digital Platforms, Markets and Democracy, the Stigler Center formed a committee to produce independent white papers that will...

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