ProMarket writers

The Real Price of Health Data: Americans Don’t Want to Share Their Records for Free

The 2019 Chicago Booth/Kellogg School Financial Trust Index survey shows that 93 percent of participants don’t want to share their health data with digital...

A Majority of Americans Don’t Trust Facebook, One Third Supports Breaking It Up

The annual Chicago Booth/Kellogg School Financial Trust Index survey shows that 73 percent of Americans disapprove of Facebook’s policy not to fact-check political ads....

Americans Report Record Level of Trust in Banks and Big Corporations, But not in the US Government

2019 Chicago Booth/Kellogg School Financial Trust Index increases from 27.6 percent to 33.3 percent, showing the highest level of financial trust from the American...

A New Capitalisn't Episode: The Controversial Tax Policies Of Emmanuel Saez

In a new episode of their podcast Capitalisn't, Luigi Zingales and Kate Waldock interview UC Berkeley professor Emmanuel Saez on tax policy, the wealth...

How to Change Section 230 and Make Digital Platforms More Accountable

If elected, former Vice President and current Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden promised to "revoke immediately" the 1996 provision that gave tech companies like...

Over 60 Leading Finance Economists Ask SEC to Revise the Shareholder Voting Draft Reform

The new regulation that Security and Exchange Commissioners voted in November doesn't fix proxy advisory industry duopoly problems, but it actually makes them worse:...

Economics Podcast Recommendations: Esther Duflo on Poverty, James Robinson on Development, and Cesar Hidalgo on Chile

ProMarket’s picks for the best podcasts covering economics, finance, and political economy. HBR Ideacast: Esther Duflo In this episode of the Harvard Business Review's weekly HBR...

Thomas Piketty, Chile's Political Chaos, and How to Change Capitalism for the Better: ProMarket’s Top Stories of 2019

As 2019 draws to a close, we look back at ProMarket’s most-read and most-widely shared stories of the past year.       Thomas Piketty’s long-anticipated follow-up to...

High-Priced Acquisitions of Tech Startups Do Not Always Stimulate More Innovation

What seems to be a big reward to innovation ultimately reduces the incentive to innovate, argues a new Stigler Center working paper by Krishna...

The New SEC Proxy Rules Will Redefine American Capitalism: Let’s Debate Them

A new SEC proposal regarding proxy advisors will make it harder for shareholders to vote against CEOs' preferences. However, there is a 60-day period...

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