Piergiuseppe Fortunato

Piergiuseppe Fortunato is an economist at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) where he leads projects on global value chains and economic integration. He is also an external professor of Political Economics at the Universitè de Neuchatel. He has worked in the offices of the United Nations both in New York and in Geneva, and for various universities and research institutes (Università di Bologna, Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, IAE Barcelona). He has published widely in academic journals, books and media outlets, and collaborated with the governments of several countries.

How Right and Left-Wing Populists Impact Government Spending

Piergiuseppe Fortunato, Tanmay Singh, and Marco Pecoraro research the behavior of populist leaders and parties around the world and how their policies influence subsequent government spending. Their research shows that populists from either side of the ideological spectrum have very little in common in terms of policy despite similar anti-elite rhetoric.

How Culture and Political Ideology Influence Vaccine Uptake

Research has shown that political ideology and partisans’ underlying core values correspond to preferences for different goods and services in the United States, including...

The Unequal Toll of Covid-19

A pandemic is by definition universal but while it is true that the Covid-19 outbreak has affected everyone, it has not done so equally....

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