Oscar Borgogno

Oscar Borgogno is a Legal Officer in the International Relations and Economics Department at the Bank of Italy and a Senior Fellow at the George Washington University Competition and Innovation Lab. He holds an MSc in Law and Finance from the University of Oxford and a PhD in law from the University of Turin, where he was also a Fellow at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society. Oscar's research focuses on the challenges that frontier technologies pose for competition policy, intellectual property, and financial regulation. His work has been published in various prestigious journals, including the Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property, The Antitrust Bulletin, Computer Law & Security Review, European Review of Private Law, European Competition Journal, Journal of European Consumer and Market Law, and European Business Law Review.

A Bottom-Up Proposal for Coordinated International AI Supervision

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to permeate across different industry sectors, offering unprecedented opportunities alongside significant risks. Effective governance necessitates coordinated cross-border efforts to build institutional expertise, dispel misconceptions, foster innovation, and align global safety priorities. Advocating structured dialogue and a bottom-up approach, Oscar Borgogno and Alessandra Perrazzelli present a proposal which aims to avoid institutional redundancy and legal unpredictability for individuals and firms.

How Should the Law Tackle Rapidly Evolving Financial Technologies?

The last half-century has witnessed an explosion of technology changing how the financial landscape functions for customers and new and legacy banking providers alike....

Is It Better to Address the Apple-Google App Store Duopoly Through Antitrust or Regulation? 

A new paper analyzes antitrust investigations and private litigation initiated against the Google and Apple app stores, exploring how the main anticompetitive practices within...

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