Oliver Spalt

Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Spalt holds the Chair of Financial Markets and Financial Institutions at the University of Mannheim. His broad research agenda focuses on the empirical and theoretical analysis of financial decision making of households, corporations, and investors. A particular focus of his work is Behavioral Finance, Corporate Governance, and Financial Institutions. His research is regularly presented at top international conferences and leading international business schools. His work is published in the most prestigious academic journals including the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, and the Review of Financial Studies. Professor Spalt has received numerous awards, including more than ten excellent teacher awards. While working at Tilburg University was repeatedly included in the “Top 40 economists in the Netherlands” list. He was the recipient of a prestigious VIDI grant from The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Professor Spalt is Research Member of the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI). Oliver Spalt ranks second among all researchers under 40 by A+ publications in the Wirtschaftswoche/Forschungsmonitoring BWL Forscher-Ranking 2019.

Concerns About Layoffs and CEO Pay Dominate Shareholder Preferences

A new study by Zwetelina Iliewa, Elisabeth Kempf and Oliver G. Spalt finds that Americans often prioritize moral values over financial gains when evaluating...

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