Mo Xiao

Mo Xiao is a professor of economics at the University of Arizona, where she teaches classes in industrial organization and antitrust economics. She is currently a co-editor of the International Journal of Industrial Organization and Journal of Economics and Management Strategy. She is a board member of the Industrial Organization Society, and serves as the program chair for the International Industrial Organization Conference from 2022 to 2024. Her research applies microeconomic theory and econometrics to analyze various issues on firm strategy and market performance. Her papers have been published in leading economics and management journals including the American Economic Review, RAND Journal of Economics, and Quantitative Marketing and Economics.

High Prices and Market Power of Academic Publishing Reduce Article Citations

In new research, Yonghong An, Michael A. Williams, and Mo Xiao find that increases in an academic journal’s subscription price and its publisher’s market share leads to fewer article citations, hindering knowledge creation and research collaboration.

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