Maciej Bernatt

Maciej Bernatt is an Associate Professor of Law at the University of Warsaw. He holds the Chair in European Economic Law at the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw and he is the director of theĀ  Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies. He is also the co-director of ASCOLA Central Europe Chapter. Maciej's research interests lie at the intersections of competition law and constitutional law, administrative law and EU law with focus on antitrust enforcement. His last book, published by the Cambridge University Press, discusses the illiberal influence of populist governments on the competition law system.

Pluralism in Media Markets Is About Democracy, Not Economics

Media pluralism is a core democratic value in Europe. Upholding it requires that media concentration is scrutinized beyond its impact on competition in the traditional economic formulation. By addressing the challenges posed by dominant media players and fostering a diverse information ecosystem, Europe aims to uphold media plurality as a democratic value and ensure that citizens can engage in informed decision-making. From this angle, the European approach to protecting media pluralism might offer an interesting comparativeĀ  perspective for the United States debate, write Maciej Bernatt and Marta Sznajder.

A New Vision of EU Competition Policy Is Incomplete Without Central-Eastern Europe

The ongoing debates about the EUā€™s competition policy have predominantly focused on Western Europe, overlooking the dynamic growth and unique challenges of Central and Eastern Europe, writes Maciej Bernatt and Kati Cseres. This oversight risks deepening economic disparities and undermining the EUā€™s goals of unity, democracy, and innovation-driven growth.

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