John B. Kirkwood

John B. Kirkwood is Professor of Law and the William C. Oltman Professor of Teaching Excellence at Seattle University School of Law. The Supreme Court has quoted his work and four of his articles have won national awards for pathbreaking antitrust scholarship. He has published in the Florida Law Review, the Notre Dame Law Review, the Boston University Law Review, and many other journals, books, and blogs. In recognition of this record, he was elected to the American Law Institute. He has testified before Congress and at the hearings on predatory pricing held by the FTC and Justice Department. The New York Times, USA Today, Seattle Times, and numerous other print and broadcast media have quoted him. He speaks often at antitrust conferences, consults on antitrust cases, and has drafted professors’ amicus briefs in high-profile antitrust appeals. He set up the FTC’s first antitrust policy planning office and later managed the Evaluation Office and the Premerger Notification Program. After transferring to the FTC’s Northwest Regional Office, he led cases and investigations.

Three Goals for the Future of the Neo-Brandeisian Movement

John B. Kirkwood writes that the future of Neo-Brandeisian movement must focus on three fronts: refining its approach to the consumer welfare standard, which it initially rejected but then used when in power; continuing to influence the monopolization cases against Big Tech and the Federal Trade Commission’s non-compete rule; and configuring the principles to govern competition in the economy’s next great tech frontier: artificial intelligence.

How Big Tech’s AI Startup Alliances Could Harm Competition

John B. Kirkwood explains six ways in which Big Tech’s alliances with AI startups could harm competition, making clear that the antitrust agencies have good reasonto monitor and investigate them.

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