Joel Seligman

Joel Seligman is a Professor and Dean Emeritus at Washington University School of Law and President Emeritus, the University of Rochester and coauthor of Loss, Seligman & Paredes, Securities Regulation (11 vols., 6th and 7th eds. with Annual Supplements) and The Transformation of Wall Street:  A History of the Securities and Exchange Commission and Modern Corporate Finance (3d ed. 2003).

George Stigler Was Wrong About the SEC, But Asked the Right Questions

Joel Seligman's article examines the historical debate surrounding the Securities and Exchange Commission's mandatory corporate disclosure system, focusing on George Stigler's influential 1964 critique and subsequent discussions. While acknowledging Stigler's role in sparking important questions about regulatory necessity, Seligman argues that critics often underestimated the historical evidence of securities fraud and the need for public market confidence, ultimately defending the continued relevance of mandated disclosure in securities regulation.

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