Jason Gold

Jason Gold is a Senior Fellow at the Progressive Policy Institute, specializing in Financial Services and Capital Markets Research. Previously, he held an executive role at S&P Global, where he was part of the senior leadership team. During his tenure, he led thought leadership initiatives and managed an extensive international research portfolio that provided critical insights for the CEO and published several white papers with the U.S. Chief Economist. Gold has a distinguished track record in producing influential content that shapes business dialogues in Washington and Brussels. Gold has also been involved in academia, serving as an adjunct professor at Georgetown University’s graduate program.

Federal Legislation, Not the NCAA Antitrust Settlements, Should Drive a New Model of College Sports

Diana Moss and Jason Gold write that the major private antitrust lawsuit involving how the National Collegiate Athletic Association governs compensation for college student athletes overreaches by remaking the model of college sports in the United States. Instead, the paradigm shift in college athletics should be deliberated and decided through the legislative process.

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