Inge Graef

Inge Graef is Associate Professor of Competition Law at Tilburg University. She is affiliated to the Tilburg Law and Economics Center (TILEC) and the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT). Inge holds expertise in the areas of competition law, platform regulation and the governance of data. She is also appointed as a member of the European Commission’s expert group to the EU Observatory on the Online Platform Economy.

Draghi’s New Competition Tool Promises To Revamp Competition, but Comes With Challenges

Alessia D’Amico and Inge Graef discuss Mario Draghi’s proposal for a New Competition Tool to revamp competition in the European Union. They write the European Commission must think hard about its design to achieve the right balance.

Effective Enforcement Matters More Than New Rules in the EU’s Efforts to Regulate Gatekeeping Platforms

While the EU’s new Platform-to-Business Regulation went into effect on July 12, the European Commission is already gearing up to introduce two other, more...

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